Not really, but I've always wanted to say that. Especially really fast, about five times in a row, because I'd become a stumbling idiot in the process and probably spit all over myself.
I'm not easily offended. Many who know me would agree, especially after hearing endless f-bombs and off color humor constantly coming out of my mouth. In fact, it probably could wear thin on people if they don't have a sick sense of humor or are having one of those complete crapola days. Hey, it happens, and I know I may not be everyone's cup of tea. I shrug, I move on.
I've decided I really enjoy this blogging thing. I didn't think I would, because so many times, reading various blogs, I don't feel a sense of authenticity. It can become a bit like an extended Facebook, where you only see the happy, the shining moments, and you start to wonder if these people ever poop, trip, gush awkwardly, ignore housework, have shitty parent moments, or wear underwear with holes in them.
Boy, I had to end that list quick before I actually admit to too many failings that equal WAY too much information.
Many of my posts have come across with humor, and it's not because I want to gloss anything over. Actually, I'm not sure there IS a way to gloss over dead animals in trees, or feeling like a 3 year old about to have a colossal meltdown. This IS my brain. My brain on humor. Life without humor is not a life I am willing to live. Yes, sarcastic humor most times, peppered with vulgarity, which REALLY if that vulgarity is running through my brain, I really should be authentic to those reading and not edit myself.
By the way, today was coffee day again. Considering I haven't touched on the actual topic of this blog post as of yet, it should be obvious.
Occasionally, I'm serious.
No, really, I am.
I'm just as capable of serious thought as the next person, though that can be hard to believe sometimes, even by myself. And just like when I need to purge the vulgarity and sick humor of the day, I purge the serious as well.
Yesterday's blog post was about online charity. Not in the sense of helping the ill, the downtrodden, the underprivileged. It was about the online beggars.
Yes, they exist. Many of them have gathered in one place, and I couldn't help myself when I got sucked into reading all the posts. I HAD to purge my thoughts.
Obviously, when you blog, you see what kind of activity your blog has. Well, let me tell you, this particular post got viewed ALOT. I know several of my friends shared it (thank you!), but what I didn't realize is it caused quite a stir among some individuals. I didn't know this, because to look at the blog post, you see that little area that says "no comments".
Well, of course, being friends, we had discussion over the negative response. Interestingly enough, as I started to hear about this silly little strife, I waited fruitlessly for a comment either on the blog post, or on the Facebook page associated with my blog. After all, it's completely public, and I am more than willing to engage in some discussion as to why someone may feel my thoughts and opinions are incorrect. That's an expected result of putting your thoughts on the internet, after all. Not everyone is going to think as you do.
"Not everyone is going to think as you do". Yes, I just quoted myself. Because it's such a simple statement. Dare I say, common sense, even. I kind of thought everyone knew this, but I also still believe in Santa Claus, so shows what I know.
I find the internet fascinating. People do tend to get wound up, offended, noses out of joint, hell, even hostile over the written word. I'll admit, I am not immune to this myself. Sometimes, you see something so offensive, so totally against the core of who you are and how you think that you feel compelled to say something. Though typically, a normal person would say it directly on the post that caused such offense.
And really, that's the GREAT thing about the internet. It gives you an opportunity to interact with people who may not share the same thoughts as you. It's a way to engage in healthy debate, and there's opportunity for everyone to be heard. Pretty awesomesauce when you think about it. Where else can you speak about a sensitive subject and everyone TAKES TURNS to speak their mind?
Where the awesomesauce ends however, is when it becomes hostile. I'm sure we've all seen evidence of "those types". The ones who can't refrain from throwing veiled (or outright) insults, or are so passive aggressive in their attempt to feel superior that they just won't even directly address the original author.
Now, I understand fully that I bring out the chickenshit in some people. I actually laugh at that statement (and myself) because I am merely this girl sitting at her computer without a bra on and playing Madonna on her speakers. Yes, Madonna. Oops, now it's switched over to Queen. I know I come on strong. That won't change, because it's who I am. Blame my dad, he who says what he means and means what he says.
But for chrissakes people, it IS just the internet. It's not like I'm going to reach through my monitor and bitch slap you for DARING to disagree. In fact, I encourage disagreement (the non-hostile kind of course), because at least if you are disagreeing, you are speaking YOUR truth. Because HELLO, your truth does not have to match my truth.
I'm all about differences. Some of my most valued relationships in this world are made up of unique and beautiful differences. I have friends all over this country who are vastly different from me. They are some of the most precious, caring, special people I know. I love them fiercely, and they have added such an immense amount joy to my life that I cannot ever quite explain. Their differences, all of the uniqueness, is what bonds us. We love each other as individuals, and our ability to disagree with each other while loving each other is priceless. The same goes for family...I have a large extended family that comes from all walks of life, with such vastly different views, but I love each and every one of them the same.
I personally would never homeschool my kids, but I know fantastic homeschoolers. I am an atheist, but I know wonderful, loving Christians. I'm not a huge fan of children, but I know so many people that absolutely love and adore spending time with kids. I go beserk if I stay home for too long, but I'm surrounded by excellent stay at home moms. I could go on and on, but these are all differences that may cause someone to say something I don't agree with. And if I feel compelled to state my own opinions, it's very easy to do in a way that allows for discussion, instead of just screaming from a soapbox while hurling insults at people (and their children...what kind of ASSHOLE does that???)
So, why, on the internet of all places, are differences so freely looked down upon? In fact, why do some people care? Why care enough to whine, bitch, moan, belittle to others, but not have quite enough balls to just go to the source?
Well, I will tell you why.
When you feel as if you have to shout justifications loudly to anyone who will listen, EXCEPT the person making the statement to begin with, there may just be some truth in what the original poster is actually saying.
Yup, I said it. And maybe that post about online charity hit too close to home. Maybe, deep down, underneath the public rantings and insults, where your truth really lies, hidden underneath the bravado, you realize you're the same type of moocher I blogged about.
But you know what? Own it. Owning up to your faults is so completely freeing. More freeing than taking off your bra in the comfort of your own home at the end of the day. We are ALL flawed. We're human. It's a wonderful thing, this flawed existence we lead. It's ok, at least you gave me something to blog about, on a day I wasn't really feeling inspired to blog about anything. Don't let it get to you. After all, it is just the internet, and really, if something rings a little too harsh for you, that's on you, not me. Examine yourself and your own reactions, instead of attempts to attack those who agree.
And on that note, I'm going to listen to some Justin Timberlake. Because he's finally old enough to make me not feel like such a perv while enjoying him.
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