Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Why? Well, Allow Me to Retort.

I've tossed around the idea of blogging within my jumbled brain for quite a long time.  I look at these things, and think, what a bunch of ego stroking bullshit.  Or better yet, the ones that just don't come off as "real".  I've journaled, I've written notes on my Facebook page, and here I sit.  Blogging.  My first post.  I feel so grown up now.

Actually, I love to write.  I just don't take the time.  But when I do, it's a bit like mental diarrhea for me.  The feeling builds and builds, until I finally sit down and just purge it all out of my system.  And then I can go along my merry way, happily skipping and whistling tunes from the Sound of Music.  At least that's the mental picture I get, so shut up.

But, because my writing is few and far between, I believe the hype I've thrown in my head that blogging means I'll actually get the mess out from between my ears.  Uh huh.  We will see how long this lasts.

I'm going to throw a collection of notes from Facebook on here and go from there.  So, if you actually stumble across this, and, for whatever twisted reason continue to read, don't get confused when the post is talking about snow and you can see green grass out your window.  That's just me moving old shit around.  Get over it, ok?

And my eyes wander off to the window where I view a bird on the roof taking a shit.  Sigh.  Yeah, I can feel a rant building in my head about little creatures of nature. 

More later on our furry friends of the world.

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