I used to do a gratitudes lists quite frequently, so don't ask me why I don't do them on a blog. Helloooooo, where better to list out the reasons you are grateful for the day?
Today is a really random day, filled with random things, random people, random thoughts that will slip in and out of my head, so none of this is going to make sense, and it has nothing to do with the Jack Daniels flavored ice cubes I'm sucking on.
Today, on this mid week slump day, I am thankful for....
Really cute shoes that are not sandals. Because I need a pedicure and I have felt like a sloth where my toes are concerned.
A hair appointment next week, because the easy breezy 3 minute prep haircut is now taking 5 minutes every morning and that is cutting in on my espresso time.
Quick reflexes (even with the Jack Daniels flavored ice cubes) so I can smash the random weird bug floating in front of my face while I type.
50 Cent rocks glasses from Goodwill so I don't feel like such a lush pouring a tall one. And another tall one. And another tall one.
Two layers of top coat so my nails don't look quite as heinous as they should. Heinous. Just not REALLY heinous.
Headphones so I don't have to type with the sound of endless Supernatural episodes in the background.
Old wavy glass windows so the neighbors can't quite tell that I'm watching their hillbilly gathering going on.
Cute clothes because it distracts the customers from the crazed look in my eyes.
Cool July weather so it makes it easier to justify buying (and selling) cute sweaters.
A Jack Daniels bottle that is not quite to a point of emergency level. Two more drinks and we'll have a problem.
THE purse. Because everything is better when I stick my head in the purse and sniff.
Spending too much money on purses, because I'm now downsized to only three and it freed up another shelf in the closet. A shelf I can fill with sweaters. Or shoes.
A boss with a sense of humor. She completely understands when my eyes go blank and I start laughing hysterically when asked a really simple question.
Realizing that some people can't stand next to something and say how big it is. Even when it's as tall as they are. And then they ask you, and you start laughing so hard you nearly pee your pants because your mind has gone completely blank and the obvious questions seem to be the hardest ones.
Empty bins. Because you won't have them for long. You're going to fill ALL of them while the boss is gone.
Tuition that did not increase. Because you just bought THE purse, and still feel no guilt over it.
A sense of humor. Because not everyone has one. What dull, sad lives they must lead. Laughter cures everything.
What are YOU grateful for today?
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