No really. Google it.
The 4th result is the blogger who prompted me to get on my own high horse and type this out. My high horse is named Charlie. Because I name everything Charlie. And it's not really a horse, it's a miniature horse, because they're cute. But really, it's a miniature unicorn, because I've always wanted a unicorn. Actually, I think there's something out in internet land about a unicorn named Charlie, but that's so far off topic that I really need to slap myself back into reality and finish my original train of thought.
Mr. Self Righteous Homophobic White Male Blogger appeared on my news feed with his post about 50 Shades of Grey. His full blog post can be viewed HERE. I hate even linking to something so full of judgement and assumptions, but it would not be fair of me to express my own opinions without encouraging people to read his own.
I will preface this by saying, just like Mr. SRHWMB, I have not read the 50 Shades series. And that folks, is where our common denominator ends.
I chose not to read the series for one reason. I am an avid reader, but my reading genre lies in horror and crime. I've been a fan of Stephen King since early adolescence, and the crime reading has developed as I've gotten older. I like a good mystery, set in present day, filled with grit. I don't typically enjoy a love story, no matter what TYPE of love story it may be. So, regardless of it's popularity, I have had no interest in picking up the series for myself.
So, having said that, I do not live under a rock. I know what the book series is about. I know it is not my tastes, purely based on what I enjoy reading, and I look at it as what I refer to as "fluff" books. Not my style, but not anything that sticks out as something deserving of a blog post.
Until now.
In Mr. SRHWMB's post, he explains the four reasons women of America should hate the 50 Shades series. I don't know why he assumes only women need this explained, as I am sure there is at least a handful of men out there who have read it. But after reading his blog, obviously, his concern is the harmful effects this series has on the morality of women across our great country.
Of his reasons, he tops the list with saying women aren't stupid. I suppose you could say I agree with him on that. No, women are not stupid. Unfortunately though, his statement is in regards to why women should hate 50 Shades. In the same breath of admitting not reading anything more than various quotes from the book, he then goes on to say it was written by someone masquerading as an author, approved by someone masquerading as an editor, and published by someone masquerading as a publisher. Let alone the millions who read it who are masquerading as literate.
Wow. Holy Judgy McJudgerson of the book we did not read. I understand thinking it's tripe, badly written, or total crap, but this guy just lumped a whole lot of people into one giant definition of stupid and illiterate. That's a very strong feeling to have about millions of people reading a work of fiction you have not read yourself.
His second reason women should hate this series (and more specifically the film) is because film is art. And this is not art. My gawd, his DVD shelf must be boring as shit. Last I checked, film was entertainment. No one sat around in the early 20th century thinking of ways to put pictures to a string of film just to call it art. They did it for entertainment for the masses. And entertainment comes from what is popular to a culture at that given time. That's why we are saturated with zombie movies, why we went through a phase of gangster movies, sparkling vampires, aliens, and the age old standby of sport movies. I don't think anyone pays way too much money for a bucket of popcorn and lard and have an expectation of coming out feeling enlightened by an artistic masterpiece. Sometimes, we are pleasantly surprised and find that enlightenment, but in most moviegoers minds, they are just looking to be entertained.
I was told to move on from the 3rd point, as it's prefaced by saying if you are not a Christian, you need to just move on to the fourth and final point. I don't do what I'm told, and contrary to Judgy McJudgerson, I like to listen (or read) all viewpoints in order to try to fully understand where a person is coming from. This particular reason is filled with scripture, of course, as I would expect it to be. But really, the bible doesn't quite say what one should do in regards to being tied to a bedpost. I suppose since the blogger is very obviously a devout Christian, he could find it insulting that the sinful, lustful ways are taking place between two consenting adults who are not married to each other. He does clarify that the problem with the sex portrayed in this series is that it is self serving, and never honest, truthful, trusting, or protecting. I kind of had to snort at this, because let's just put aside the whole non-married sex thing for a moment and look at that statement. First of all, he's never read it, so he can only have a vague idea of the actual sex going on in these books, and not the actions or thought processes leading to it. But, the limited knowledge I have of any type of submissive sexual relations involving bondage are dependent on things like honesty, truthfulness, absolute trust and protection of your partners wants and needs. I have never spoken with anyone who has delved into this lifestyle and heard them say anything other than it takes complete openness, sharing, absolute trust, with a fierce desire to protect their partner in what they want out of the experience. I can only say that this blog author is highly misinformed in his tiny, narrow viewpoint of what sex should be in a piece of fiction.
His final viewpoint is that it should insult anyone who considers themselves a feminist. So if you are not a feminist you should love it? This point looks like he's grasping for straws in order to justify that squirmy uncomfortable feeling he's having about women enjoying being tied to a bedpost and whipped. He seems to believe (again without reading the books) that this woman is an unknowing player in her bedroom escapades. That she is a helpless female twisted and manipulated by the big bad wolf who just wants to eat her up. Even I, the feminist who has no interest in reading the series, knows that the story line doesn't quite go along those lines.
C'mon dude. Just admit it. You are outraged by the series because it makes you feel icky. Your viewpoints and morality dictate that this type of open sexuality between partners is a sin. It's ok to feel that way. In fact, I can not condemn you for that, nor will I pass judgement. I will, however, disagree with your reasoning on why the women of America should feel the same way as you. By addressing the women of America, you are addressing me. You address my friends, my female family members, my daughter, my neighbors. And the glorious thing about all of us is we are all INDIVIDUAL women. We are each unique. We come from all walks of life. We all have different upbringings, moral compasses, and we each have our own truths. Your truth is very clear in your post. However, your truth is not my truth. It is not the truth of the millions of women who have actually read and enjoyed this series of books. Your truth could be far more respected if you did not start your rant with women"are not stupid". Women are NOT stupid, I will give you that. But it has nothing to do with whether or not they have read a book series that you find so abhorrent. That's just a passive aggressive way of saying anyone who reads and enjoys the book is stupid. It's condescending. It's insulting. It's narrow minded. It's "your way is the right way", and for someone who has never read the books, I find that pretty laughable.
Relax. They're just books. It's entertainment. No one is going to start teaching bondage with sex education in our schools. You may see them as a gateway to hell, but your message is lost in your own self righteous attitude. Perhaps a gentler approach next time, no? Messages filled with why we should love one another, respect one another, and help those who ask for our help. Maybe start out with the top 5 reasons Americans SHOULD love Winnie the Pooh. Because your negativity and condescension is bringing me down, dude.
Peace out, Charlie.
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He DOES exist! |
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