Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Happy Happy Joy Joy

It's time for a daily gratitude list, even if I am deliriously tired and feeling like I can only walk while dragging my leg behind me.  Just call me Igor.

I was grateful this morning to wake up at a normal time, which mean the beginnings of dawn shining onto the stairs.  It was just light enough to see that FatBastard, previously known as FatCat, was not sleeping on the top stair to send me tumbling to my death.  Or bruised ass.

I am beyond thankful the man child did not wake up in a fit of sheer grumpiness, even though he managed to sleep through 20 minutes of an annoying buzzing alarm clock, and I had to knock on his bedroom door twice to rouse him from his blissful slumber.

I am grateful for weird ponchos that only have one option for accessorizing, thus making my morning choices very limited and time saving.

I am thrilled with time saving closet choices because it meant getting to the espresso sooner.  The espresso brewed in THE machine.  Which works perfectly, making a divine whoosh whoosh sound as it spews its silky nectar of the gods.  All for a glorious $3.00.

I am grateful for haircuts that cut 2 minutes off my morning prep time.  Instead of a five minute hairdo, I'm back to three.  Again, making more time for that silky nectar of the gods.

I am thankful for all my morning time saving which allowed me to catch up with friends and family on Facebook.  Tomfoolery and shenanigans abound.  Always a great start to the day.

I found a new appreciation for animal crackers.  When you eat them for lunch at work, you sort of feel like a kid again, which makes you feel even sillier than the norm.  Some would say that's dangerous, I call it fun.

I am grateful for a productive morning, because I felt like I didn't get anything done through the afternoon.

I am thankful for customers, because they are why I didn't get anything done in the afternoon.  But I was able to enjoy chatting with people I had not seen in awhile, regulars, and strangers.  It's one of my favorite parts of the job...the interaction and people time.  Amazing to think that I'm actually a people person.  Especially after animal crackers.

I am grateful for dinner with my parents.  Such a simple thing, but one of the really big joys of life.

I am thankful for a body that still tries to work even after bruising it.  It may ache and hurt, but it still moves.

And finally, I am grateful for joy.  Such a simple thing...that word "joy".  There's a piece of joy in every day.  Some days, I have to look for it a little harder, like when I decide to go tumbling down a flight of stairs at 4AM.  But it's there, always, waiting for that moment I grab it, squeeze it, and think "aha...there you are, my warm, fuzzy friend."

I may even share the joy and forgive the FatBastard.

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