I think the world would benefit from a big old dose of shut the fuck up.
With this recent creation of the internet, we find ourselves with this new toy that lets us babble on incessantly about all manner of things. And yes, I say recent, because in the grand scheme of things, this is about as new as that first tickle in the throat that eventually leads to a full blown case of tuberculosis.
What this little toy has allowed us to do, is reach out to a mind boggling number of people across this beautiful world. You would think with such a fantastic tool at our fingertips, we would be singing from the rooftops while dancing wildly and joyfully. We could shed the stresses, disappointments, and drudgery of daily life, and reach through that screen and make a difference in someone's world.
Instead, we stand and scream.
We shout about the injustices, the unfairness, the perceived slights, insults, and offenses that enter our very small, personal world. We complain. We rage. We make comparisons to what others have that we don't. We rail against the world.
We forget humanity.
I am guilty of this myself. Though I use my internet superpowers for entertainment, I occasionally find myself engaging in conversations that I know better than to touch. I occasionally think I may be able to put a human, compassionate side to a discussion mired in blame and fueled by anger or bitterness. Rarely, I may even attempt logic by suggesting that a particular media story is merely one point of view, and that unless personally involved, no one person can say with any certainty what has actually occurred.
And then I shut up.
I shut up, because the response is always the same.
Be right, at all costs.
Yes, I do believe, with the availability of sharing our opinions the world over, we have become more determined than ever to be right at all costs. After all, no one wants to chance looking like the "fool" who concedes. The silly little fluffy head who just stops and says "my opinion is not worth an argument".
Well, I'll take the plunge and say it.
My opinion is not worth an argument.
My opinions, perceived slights, and the injustices of the world are not worth it. I'd rather look like that silly little fluffy head and just sit here and say nothing. I'd rather respect the varying voices out there. I want the world to feel free to speak.
So please, speak. And then, shut up. Because what happens when you stop yapping, and stop caring about always being right, is you start to listen. And you don't just listen, but you HEAR. You hear how others are feeling, and as much as it might go against the grain of what you yourself are feeling, you are reaching your hand out to someone and saying "you are important enough for me to hear you". No one has to be right, and no one has to be wrong. But everyone should be heard. And at some point, everyone needs to know when it's time to just stop putting the need to be right, your own personal, selfish need to be heard, away. Yes, you CAN stop talking. Even if you feel another isn't "getting it", or just does not understand where you are coming from. Because being human toward one another supersedes all of our own selfish needs. Conversations CAN just end with a "let's agree to disagree" and walking away with a respect for one another's differences.
Respect our differences.
Shut up.
Learn when to walk away.
And walk away with a handshake. Or preferably, a hug.
Get over the incessant need to be the "right" one.
It's December, and my favorite holiday approaches. I don't love Christmas for any one thing. I love it for the outpouring of joy, the spirit, the essence, of family, love, appreciation of all the good in my world. I adore it for the sparkles, the food, the traditions of old, and the traditions of new. Of coming together, taking that moment in a busy world, and saying through voice, song, and actions, that "hey, YOU matter to me, and thank you for being a part of my world". I don't just celebrate within my home, but within my heart, and with all who have entered my life and left small pieces of themselves along the way. It is a celebration in every sense of the world.
So to log in to social media, and be faced with endless tirades about injustices ranging from the proper time to adorn your house in decorations, to local, national, and world news reports, proper holiday greetings, and general blastings of the ills of the world...well, this kind of brings that spirit to a screeching halt.
And it upsets me.
Why do we choose to concentrate on the negatives? On being RIGHT about the negatives? Discuss what you will, but then just STOP. Move on. Find happiness. Rejoice in being alive and able to share yourself with a spectacular world that can be viewed by ignoring the endless news stories, and exploring beauty instead.
If you must continue, don't wonder why you are always worrying, unhappy, stressed out, and wondering why you just can't seem to have a "good day". Because let me tell you, as someone who rarely gets involved in the fearmongering, lambasting, and complaining about the world, I can positively say it will bring you down and attempt to drown you.
Just shut the fuck up.
You can not have my joy. You are not allowed to strip me of my sparkle. I'd rather shut up. I'd rather listen. I want to HEAR.
And if necessary, I'll just delete your ass from my world because you're sucking the life out of me.