Not to sound like an ungrateful hag, but I'm on a roll today, even with everything trying to smack me back down.
My espresso maker died an agonizing death on Sunday, and after the brief panic attack, I calmly ordered another one and decided to get out that french press collecting dust while I wait for it to arrive.
Espresso is disgusting in a french press. I suppose there are some out there who love those little contraptions, and if it were for coffee consumption, I suppose I could see the appeal. However, this is not measly coffee, this is ESPRESSO. And I take mine like tar that could be slapped on a roof. I could add even more grinds to the french press to go for a darker brew, but I'm already throwing twice the amount in the glass than what goes in an espresso machine. And it's such a boring cup of good morning. I've considered just spooning the sludge out of the bottom and eating it like a bowl of Cream of Wheat, but I only have one more morning of this hell before the new machine arrives. Plus, as finely as I grind my beans, I'm confident that now amount of tooth brushing could remove those little things from my teeth were I to actually get desperate enough to eat them.
The demise of the espresso machine also means there is not the travel cup filled for my morning at work. I'm actually making coffee. And drinking it. I'm not big on coffee, having been an espresso whore for too long to remember. Plus, coffee is much more acidic than espresso, and well, honestly, if you are not an espresso fiend, you just will NOT understand.
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Blech |
Despite forgetting my belt, and finding myself changing out of workout clothes at work with pants that can not go without a belt, I managed to muddle through the day. I actually did not get alot of my chosen work done, since there's that little thing called clients and customers, but all in all, it was a good day. Even with temperatures ranging in the 20's, after a day of 50's and windows open just 24 hours previously. Even waking up to snow flurries.
Though cold weather normally makes me think of things like hibernating, it invigorated me today. I arrived home and started chopping and dicing, cooking up a new recipe though I seem to be the only person living in this house this evening. I cleaned a bit, did some laundry, enjoyed a new soup, and even took out the trash in the bitter wind. I hate the thought of a large trash can next to the house, which means ours sits near our property line through the back yard. Not acres, but a fair sized yard, and it seems even larger when you realize you still have flip flops sitting at the back door for those quick runs outside. My toes are still frozen into little blocks of ice.
Perhaps that was a little jolt that seemed to wake me up even more. Because even though it's nearing 8:00 pm, I'm considering cleaning out my closets. Again. It would be the 3rd time since I packed away summer things, but now that cold weather seems to be here to stay, I feel like I can let go of a few more things that probably won't get touched this year.
However, what I really need to be doing is reading the book for our Book Club this month. Our meeting is next week and I have not touched it. I suppose I will have to bargain with myself, as I seem to be more motivated when I offer myself a reward. And this month, the reward is huge, because today, my new Stephen King book arrived and everything I've seen about it says scary, scary, scary. But no, I can not pick up that divine little morsel until I get this club selection read. Bad girl, do as you are told.
I had another random thought that since temps have plummeted and we're lucky to hit 30 degrees, it could be kind of fun to start getting the holiday and winter decorations out. There are already icicles showing up outside, so why not have them draped over everything inside as well? It did not help that I took advantage of warm weather yesterday and draped the outside of the house in pine garlands, wreaths, trees, bows, and ornaments. Yes, yes, stop your foolish ranting about it being too early in November. And I will try not to laugh when your fingers are going numb trying to put up one single strand of lights. Since I don't cover my house in lights, inflated snowmen, or candy canes, it actually looks pretty appropriate for what feels like winter but is technically still fall. Also, I had neighbors gossiping when I put up fall decorations in September (acting as if that was actually too early), so I figure this will really give them something to talk about.
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Kiss my ass. |
Along with the espresso maker deciding to take a shit on me, I reached for my hand lotion after washing up pots and pans tonight and felt like crying. My little pot of Lush Handy Guguru is nearly empty. I've doled that luscious little cream out sparingly, but alas, it is about to disappear on me. A simple solution would be to order some more, but I've been trying to not purchase anything but necessities and holiday preparations and gifts. Another moment of telling the too-soon-holiday whiners to shut up. I'll be relaxing the weeks before Christmas while others are stressing out, so don't question my madness. But, back to the Guguru...if you have never tried it, you have no idea what you are missing. Best. Lotion. Ever. And nearly gone. I'm sad.
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Crying. |
Only for a brief moment, because my mind has already wandered off to closets and bins of Christmas decorations.
Shut up.
I need to meditate.